Jumat, 21 Maret 2014


1.1              Background of the Study
Vocabulary as one of language elements which functions not only to support the use of the other elements of language (pronunciation, spelling, and grammar) but also to facilitate the use of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Rivers in Nunan (1991) has argued that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language learners because without an extensive vocabulary, they will unable to use the structures and functions they may have learned for comprehensible communication. Harmer (1991) also states that an ability to manipulate grammatical structure does not have any potential for expressing meaning unless words are used.
Learning vocabulary is one important matter in learning language but it is not a simple work to do. The bad score on vocabulary found in the students’ achievement does not mean that there are no efforts to solve the problem. Both teachers and students have tried to apply various methods and techniques in teaching and learning vocabulary. However, there are many factors assumed to give influence in teaching and learning process such as students’ characteristics, materials, teachers’ character, etc.

As such, vocabulary learning and teaching is a central activity in the classroom. One way in which vocabulary learning can be fostered is through the use of learning strategies. These strategies are consciously or unconsciously learned techniques for processing information in order to enhance learning, comprehension and retention (O’Malley and Chamot, 1990). One potential vocabulary learning strategy is the use of morphological awareness to learn novel vocabulary.
Morphological awareness is defined as the ability to use the knowledge of word formation rules and the pairings between sounds and meanings (Kuo & Anderson, 2006: 161-180). With morphological awareness, learners are able to learn morphemes and morphemic boundaries by disassembling complex words into meaningful parts (e.g. childhoods = child + -hood + -s), learning the meanings of roots, affixes (child= baby, -hood= the state of being, -s= to indicate plural nouns), and reassembling the meaningful parts into new meanings (motherhood, fatherhood, brotherhood). The practice of this dissembling- reassembling method is called morphological analysis.
There is increasing interest in morphological awareness as a crucial dimension of vocabulary knowledge, especially in reading. In the first place, morphemes have semantic, phonological and syntactic properties (e.g. –s in the verb rides indicates that the action doer is only one person who does the action in the present time) (Singson, Mahony and Mann, 2000: 219- 252) that express the role of a given word in the reading context.
Another thing, words are organized in the mental lexicon according to their phonological properties with morphological knowledge as a framework for storing words (Sandra, 1994: 227-269). Moreover, morphological awareness makes the learner more aware of the writing system. With morphological knowledge, learners can perceive spelling and phonological irregularities (e.g. sign- signature) (Kuo and Anderson, 2006: 161-180).
The relationship between morphological awareness and reading may be reciprocal or directional. In the case the relationship being reciprocal, both reading and morphological awareness can contribute to the development of one another. In directional term, morphological awareness leads to reading proficiency, but not the other way around.

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

The Improvement of english pronunciation through speech alt at the student of sma 1(pre experimental)

A.    Background
In English language teaching, there are four language elements namely: structure, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. Those elements are though in order to develop the students’ skill in the language learning. One second of them should be noticed is pronunciation is considered difficult element method that can be applied in learning pronunciation.
The researcher has observed that in junior high school students are lack of pronunciation while Nurhayati (2008:1), states that the pronunciation means knowledge of knowing to produce word which is very essential in oral communication. When speakers mispronounce some words or phrases, people can be misunderstanding. To reduce it, the teacher must equip the learner with English certain degree accuracy and
fluency in understanding, responding and in expressing him self in the language in speech in other the learners communicatively in using the language.
In learning pronunciation pragmatic is consists of several aspects. Those are context, deictic, presupposition, implicature, and speech acts. Speech act is a central point of pragmatic. In communication, we use utterances in acting that is known as speech acts. Speech acts themselves can be divided into three elements:  locutionary, elocutionary and prelocutionary.
Searle in its book of Speech Acts: An Essay in The Philosophy of Language (1969,23-4 ) said that pragmatically at least there are three types of act that may be realized by a speaker upon his/her speech, that is the act to express something (locutionary act), the act to do something (elocutionary act), the act to affect the converse speak (prelocutionary act). Respectively, the third types are called as the act of saying something, the act of doing something, and the act of affecting someone.
Within the language context, student is expected to tell or to construct thoughts or information that he/she get.  Furthermore, an intrapersonal function, that is a language function to interact with fellow being by revealing the applied speech acts, attitudes and feelings, etc.  has he/she done. The last function is textual, it is to arrange how the created text and language being ordered so that a cohesion and coherence are realized, then, those would be easy to be understood by the one who listening and reading. 
Based on the description above, so the study takes a title “The Improvement of English Pronunciation Through Speech Act at the Student of SMA 1 


Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

reading comprehension by using communicative approach through songs and game (qualitative research)


In this chapter the writer will explain about the background of study, the scope and limitation of study, the statement of problem, the purpose of study, the significant of study.

1.1. The Background of study.
Everybody ever read, hear, see, and tell something occur around us in daily life. As the human beings who live normally, we do our activities everyday. We never just quiet without do anything because we live in this world which full by things that we can do, see, hear, feel, and touch. The examples are reading newspaper, watching television, seeing a movie, and listening to the radio. Connoly (1951: 1) states that we read because of hunger of information or amusement or solace, owning appetite for truth seems to grow by what it feed on men read to discover them selves and their world, to asses their special rules in the universe, to learn the meaning of the personal struggles in which they are engaged in other worlds, we want to share
To study reading is very important as the student of English department, because there are many advantages from study reading. By reading, we will be able to increase our knowledge on culture. If we read every rule in written English from our country, we will know what our country is like. For instance read novel from another country, we will get more knowledge about the other country with Its culture. In English Department, we study English do not only master of grammar or vocabulary but also master the culture of the target language. If we do not know about the culture, we will get difficulties to understand to communicate with a native speaker. Although, we may learn about English words through the dictionary, we still need to learn the English culture, so the communication can be understood and avoid misunderstanding.
In this modern developing age, people are demanded to facilitate the development of their knowledge in any sectors in order to be able to answer any supplicated problems related to the progress of any modern development, especially in Indonesia.
In Indonesia as developing country puts the education problem as essential and dominant points, for examples by building ns schools, adding facilities, such as new scientific books served in libraries, laboratory equipments, etc.
In line with the development of education, our government also tries hard to improve their skills by having in – service training held by the government. Here, teachers are acknowledged with communicative approach.
Communicative approach in teaching learning process is encouraged not only structure but also in reading comprehension.
To get a good achievement for English subject, students need perseverance and patience in learning it since most students regard this subject difficult, especially in Reading Comprehension with communicative approach. In this case students are demanded to have a hobby in reading and practicing communicative. That is why the teachers’ help is absolutely needed to increase their achievement
Based on the above statements, the writer held a research to know how far the ability of the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya kepung – Kediri after being taught with reading comprehension by using communicative approach through songs and game. The writer therefore chooses the little dealing with the method used in the subject above is Teaching Reading songs and games to the eight year students of SMP