Senin, 25 November 2013

The Use of Explicit Teaching Strategy To Increase The Students’ Reading Comprehension (Action Research)

A.    Background
Reading is one of English skill to be mastered listening, speaking and writing. The purposes of reading such as to gain information, the learn subject matter, for enjoyment, academic purpose and prepare test purpose. To achieve those skills, the students find difficulties in get the message that extended by the writer and summarize the content of the reading text.
The first problem is the students found difficult to understand the content of the text. In comprehend the reading of the text, the students have to able established the main idea and detail information. The main idea is the most general ideas in the paragraph while detail information is supporting of the ideas in the
paragraph. When the students gain know about them, they have to understand how a text organized because to comprehend the written words the students must able to understand what the writer has to structure of organized the ideas and information presented in the text and relate the ideas and information presented in the text, and relate the ideas and information from text to ideas information stored in his or her mind.
The second problem is how the students can make a summary about the content of the text. In understand of the text, summary is one of the fast way in get the writers’ idea. All of theinformation in the summary will be contained in the reading text, although the words used will be different. Through summary, the students will get a good understanding of the overall meaning and main points of the section summarized.          
Base on the observation which has been done in SMPN 2 Bua Ponrang Kabupate Luwu, especially for class VIII A. The researcher gave diagnostic and found the result is very poor in reading comprehension. According to the result of test, there are 30 students in the class, 9 students get the score 6.0 – 7.5 and 21 students get the score < 60. The research wants to changed of score based on the KKM is 65, and the target of the researcher is score 75.
The researcher conclude that in class VIII A is has problem in reading comprehension. In solved that problem, the research tries to use strategy in teaching reading material to comprehend the text. According to Michael Pressley in B. Fatmawati (2011:1) strategy is something using by the students to analyze the learning problem. So that, Strategies is very important in gets success of learning process in the classroom.
In this case, the research will use of explicit teaching strategy. The Explicit teaching is one of strategy can be used by the teacher in the classroom where it makes the students to active in learning process because the teacher knows what the students needed . According to Cristine Edwards, Groves (1998) explicit teaching is calls for teacher knowing how the social dimension of classroom life (through the context of classroom interaction). This strategy is using to gets skill because it is talk about classroom lesson specially in reading comprehension. Ludwig, Gunn in Cristine (1995) said that the effective classroom interaction leads and successful learning when it is explicit and student-centered????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The Improving Students’ Speaking Ability through Peer Teaching Tutoring Method ( Classroom Action research)

A.  Background
English is one of the human languages in the world that has important role in communication. It has become international language and almost practiced in all part of life, especially in this global era that has full of competition and English becomes one of determiners and assessments of the competition. So that it is important for us to learn the language. It is similar to the statement that English has dispersed and diversified, has been adopted and adapted as an international means of communication by communities all over the globe. There are four skills that we have already known in English, namely writing, speaking, reading and listening. Later, the skills should be taught better to master and get complete thought about English itself
because each skill has general or specific function in communicating. But we cannot deny that speaking is the most important one for asking information and conversely for delivering information, speaking is the direct system of communication.
Speaking is like the first assessment for each learner who is studying English and each learner has to speak. This statement means an obligation, duty, task, fact, implementation, process, and it can be learning, although we still find some students are speaking little or even passive in the classroom, and it can be caused of many things include the students, the class situation, environment, teaching method, technique, approach or even from the teachers who cannot deliver their material successfully. In this last century, many linguists and educators give more attention in action research to teach English as a????????????????????????????

Improve the students’ writing proficiency through collaborative writing (Action Research)

A.    Background
Language is the most important thing for people as a means of communication. It is basically a means of both oral and written communication. People use language to express their ideas and wishes to others’ people such as when they need others help so that close relation among members of the group can be carried. It is important to learn English because it is an international language which is used in many countries over the world and widely used in many sectors such as information, trade, education, etc.
In Indonesia, English has an important role especially in education. Therefore, English is taught as the first foreign language in all levels of schools and language courses. In school, English has been taught as a
local content. Since The Basic Course Outlines of the 2004 Curriculum (2004: 7) in Nurhawaeni states that the objective of learning English at junior high school as a local content is to develop students' communication ability in the context of school. It means that the students are expected to be able to make simple transactional and interpersonal conversation which is potentially needed to communicate in the context of school. Here, the teacher plays important role since he has to be able to set students interest and motivation in learning English in order to develop students’ ability to communicate using all the resources they have already acquired to interact with others about their needs and interest.
In this study, the writer will focus on teaching writing in Junior high school considering that in learning language writing is the skill that students acquire in first to write something. Writing is important to support learning English especially in enriching vocabulary and gaining a large portion of their education. Therefore the writer considers that writing can be taught at junior high schools.
There are four skill should be mastered in learning English; speaking, reading, listening and writing. Writing will provide a basis for development of other language skills. Due to the importance of writings explained above, the teachers have to develop students’ writing ability since it is the first stage they learned English. By developing students’ ability to writing well, the teachers develop their students’ ability to become more independent learners, as the students will be able to reproduce language accurately and refine their understanding of grammar and develop their own vocabulary. The better students improve their writing ability, the better they reach the achievement in writing  Teachers, therefore, should explore a new productive strategy in brightening writing classes in order to encourage students in learning writing skill. They should create interesting and entertaining materials to motivate the students’ active responds in doing writing exercise. After the teaching and learning process and all the materials are given to the students, there is an expectation that students will make a progress in their study. To know whether the students make some progress in their study, it is useful for teacher to conduct a test or an examination at the end of a program. So the students will be motivated to learn and master the materials which have been taught by the teacher.
There are many reasons for getting students’ to write, both in and outside class. Writing gives they more thinking time then they get when they attempt spontaneous conversation. This allows them more opportunity for language processing, that is thinking about the language. When thinking about writing, it is helpful to make a distinction between writing for learning and writing for writing. In the case of the former, writing is used as a practice tool to help students practice and work with language they have been studying. When we are give example, ask a class to write five sentences using by using a given structure, or using five of the new words they have been learning. Writing activity like this are designed to give reinforcement to the students. This is particularly need a mix of visual and kinesthetic activity.
The kinds of writing we ask student to do will depend as most other things do, on their age, level learning styles and interests. We won’t get beginners to try to put together a complex narrative composition in English; we probably won’t ask a class of advanced business students to write a poem about their mothers (unless we have specific reasons for doing this). In order to help students write successfully in different styles.
In helping the students to write, we need to consider with the gender. A gender is a type of writing which members of a discourse community would instantly recognize for what it was. Thus we recognize a small add in newspaper the moment we see it because, being members of a particular group, or community, we have seen many such texts before and are familiar with the way they are constructed.????   

Selasa, 19 November 2013

Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Context Clues Strategy” A Classroom Action Research

A.  Background
            In this information era, science and technology development demands people to improve their knowledge and experience. One way to improve their knowledge and experience was through reading. Reading is the effective way to get information. If someone said the book wasthe window of the world, we can say that reading is the eye of the world because we can know all the things through reading. Reading is one of the basic skills of English, but it has a very complex process where the reader tries to discover meaning in print page or script. Through reading one can enhance his experiences, develop new concept and improve his thinking or knowledge.
Reading is the third of the four basic language skills, they are: listening, speaking, reading and writing
that must be mastered in language learning and language skill that palys an important role in teaching. Reading comprehension isknowledge understood after reading. It is an active thinking procces with that notonly depend on  skill but also on students’ experience and prior knowledge which involved understanding of vocabulary to know the meaning of reading, torelationship among  wordsand to concept  organizing ideas, to recognize the student’s purpose in making  judgment, and to do evaluation. It is taught in integration with the other language skills. As one of the language skill, reading received more emphasis  than the other, it is given the first priority. Based on the observation diagnostics text which hadbeen done in SMP Negeri 25 Cenrana Kabupaten Maros , especially for class VIII B still poor in comprehending a reading text. They feltdifficult to understand the reading text and they didnot have a sufficient reading skill to understand the entire text given, as value of observation in the classroom the studentshave scores 5.05, this score wasas a poor category. In this research the aim wasto solve this problem until the students hadgood score, while the standard curriculum is 65. 
Furthermore, comprehension is a really important either in reading and other skills. The ability of someone to comprehend closely related to background knowledge. Coady (1981: 3) states that the interest and background knowledge would enable the students to comprehend at reasonable rate and keep him involved in the spite of synthetic difficulty.
In SMP Negeri 25 Cenrana, based on observation, those problems werecaused by the lack of reading comprehension strategies. As Thompson (1993:2)states, problem in comprehension could be a result of the lack of  instruction time assessing reading at the word and sentences levels rather teaching referential or inferential comprehension.
From that case, the teacher should have interesting method or strategy in reading class. There aremany strategies can be used to improve reading comprehension. Here, the researcher would use Context Clues Strategyto develope the students’ reading comprehension of the text read. The researcher hopes this strategy will be an interesting and attractive strategy in learning especially in reading class. Context Clues Strategy can help the students master in reading comprehension which is bit of information from the text, by combining priorknowledge, allow the students to decide the meaning of unknown word in the story, or article that they read. It is also useful to guide the studentsto figure out the meaning of a word from the context. Beside that the context clues would be helpful to motivate the students to improve reading comprehension when it was applied because it presented very simple instruction that can be easy??????????????????????