Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

the implementation of Sentence Component Identification Strategy to improve the students’ ability to analyze a simple English text to be translated into Indonesian at the eighth grade of (CAR)

             English as a global language has been used by more than a half population in the world. Besides language as a role of knowledge, technology and art, English can be used as a tool for trading – economy, international connection, social cultural, and education and carrier development goals.
             The English competence has become an important requirement in gaining succees for individual, society, and Indonesian nation in answering the challenging of global period. In getting English competence through a great deal program, the school is viewed as as the first-rate medium by Indonesian children.
              Our experience education in teaching course is far from what we desire. Most of graduates from
senior high school has not able to communicate in English because of many cases. To overcame this, it needs many resources in teaching approach. Translating is one of many approaches in teaching- learning activities.
               Vocabulary is an important element of language that must be mastered by the students because their ability to read and comprehend English writing, speaking, reading and listening is partly determined by their vocabulary. One of the techniques for building up the student’s vocabulary is translating approach.
                Interpreting is a type of translation, often called oral translation, which refers to oral communication situation in which one person speaks in the source language, and interpreter processes this input and produces output in a second language and a third, person listens to the target language version. D. Saleskovich says that:
 “Translating is considered as an endeavor to establish linguistic equivalents, whereas interpreting aims at integral communication of meaning. ” (Brislin, Ed. ; 1969: 92)
                 Translating is really a language skill, which is quite different from all the skills, because it is a spesialized skill, which demands the ability to switch one language code to another.It neither develops nor demonstrates the basic skills of listening, speaking and writing.
                  From the explanation above, the writer assumes that the necessity of translating skill in learning English especially to enchance the students vocabulary. So that they will have an opportunity during the teaching and learning process in the classroom, even in communicating with another people in English.


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