Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

The use of color pictures to increase the vocabulary command of the first year students of SD ????? (Classroom Action Research)

This chapter presents background of the research, problem statement, objective of the research, significant of the research, and scope of the research.
A.    Background
If language structures make up the skeleton of language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh. An ability to manipulate grammatical structures does not have any potential for expressing meaning unless words are used.
Vocabulary as one of the important aspects in grammar has a very important role in supporting the four language skills. Harmer (1984:149) states that in teaching foreign language, including speaking, writing, and reading and listening skill, it is impossible to use those skills without vocabulary. Without possessing an
extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use all we have learned for comprehensible communication, including the structures and the functions.
Wilkins (1978:111) states that we could not accept that vocabulary would initially be less important than grammar. The fact is that while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. From the statement above, it is clear that vocabulary as a fundamental requirement influences the students’ achievement in studying English.
Richards and Rogers in Suriati (2002:3) state that teachers, in presenting learning materials, can choose methods and materials according to the needs of learners, the preferences of teachers, and constraints of the school or education setting. In this matter teacher's creativity is needed in choosing the technique that can motivate the students to study.
Another way that is usually applied to help students understand the learning task or learning material is using picture. It has been generally accepted that  pictures,  especially  colorful  ones,  are  quite  helpful  teaching  aids  in introducing new vocabulary to students because generally, people would keep in their mind for a long period of time something that they have learned or experienced which is interesting to them.
Adelman and Taylor in Rosmiati (1990:2) state that if the students are motivated to learn something they do much more than anyone could have predicted. Conversely, if the students are not particularly interested in learning something, the result of learning may not even success. So, they are not worried and fearful to express their idea, thought and opinion. That is why, the textbook especially for the SD ????? are mostly illustrated with colorful pictures. Such policy is implemented not only for the sake of making the students interested in learning English or making them easy to catch the learning materials being taught, but also facilitating the teacher to manage the learning process in the classroom.
By those conditions, the researcher assumes that the teaching of English must be really improved with some practical and easy ways, for ?????????????


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