Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Improving the students Vocabulary through Bookworm Game (pre experimental)

A.    Background
Language is the most important aspect in human interaction. People communicate and interact with others using the language. In widely community, English has become international language. Most of the community in the whole world use English in order they can communicate with others who have different language. From this, English language is important to be taught and learned by the students. And as the form of our government’s response toward this case, English language has been put in the educational system in our country, and it is taught from elementary school until university and become a compulsory subject.
As a compulsory subject in English teaching and learning process vocabulary is the important aspect to support the English language component skills, namely: reading, writing
, speaking, and listening. So learning vocabulary for learners is important because the ability of students to learn English is determined by vocabulary that they have. Through vocabulary, someone can communicate his/her idea, feeling, emotion, and desire. Sometimes a clever person who has good idea must be stopped only because he/she lacks vocabulary mastery. It is very hard for everyone to express his or her ideas in English to other people without word.
Corder in Amiruddin (2004: 1) states that in order to master English, the elements of language skills such as grammatical structure, vocabulary, and sound system, must be taught to the second as the prerequisite knowledge toward the English use and skills because language is characterized by these elements.
The statement above, it is obvious that vocabulary as a fundamental requirement influence the achievement of students in studying English. Although the students have learned English for??????????????/


Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Reciprocal Teaching (Classroom Action Research)

A.      Background
Language is a tool of communication to make human interaction. People communicate and interact with others using language. In some community English has become an international language. Most of the community in the whole world use English to communicate with others who have different languages. Because of that English is very important to be taught and learned by the students. 
In Indonesia English learning is taught as one of the compulsory subjects from elementary school for fifth and sixth level, junior to senior high school up to the universities. In learning English there are four skills namely: speaking, writing, listening and reading. In this sense the writer especially discuss about reading because it can cover the three other skills.Barbara Taylor (1986:3) states that reading is very closely allied to other language processes such as listening, speaking and writing.
Reading skills should be thought earlier to the children (Tessero: 2003). Reading habits can increase
the students’ achievement. Most Indonesian learner are acknowledge that reading a low will support them reaching their goals of studying, but categories low for years. Many efforts have been performed to socialize reading as a burden for most school ages. This phenomena effects them to be creative readers, that finally will influence their comprehension towards their achievement is categories low.
The purpose of reading in many languages is to inform ourselves about something we are interested, or to challenge certain our methods. In other words, to extend our experience of the world in which we live.  A person may read to get information. He may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read (Janz: 2004). Although every student knows how to read, many have never learned good reading skills. (Royse, 2001: 127).
The purpose for reading is to guide the reader to select the appropriate texts, to determine the appropriate to reading comprehension.
The nature of reading is not merely read the text trough line, a reader has to bring his mind into the text to comprehend what is read. Cooper (1984:4) states that to comprehend the written words the reader must able to: understand what??????????????


Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Think Aloud Strategy (Classroom Action Research)

A.      Background
English as a world language plays an important role in the development of science and technology. Many scientific articles or books in general are written in English. That demands those who are involved in any particular field to be able to understand the English written materials to group information and knowledge. English involve four language skills namely, speaking, listening, writing and reading.
Reading is about understanding written texts. It is a complex activity that involves both perception and thought. Reading consists of two related processes: word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to one’s spoken language. Comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences and connected text. Readers typically
make use of background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other strategies to help them understand written text. Much of what we know about reading is based on studies.
 Reading as one of the language skill is very important in language teaching and learning process but, it is not easy to do. Those skills must be taught integrated as much as possible. The priority of teaching English in school is reading because it can cover three other skills.
Reading may be considered as the key to get information from books, magazines, newspaper and brochure. The development of science demands people to read a lot. Many science books written in English and reading skill will aid students to fulfill their need. Habit reading skill can also enrich vocabularies.
The teaching of English is necessary to develop especially in teaching reading comprehension because the techniques of teaching influence the students’ success. Therefore, the teacher of English must select the suitable way, method, and strategy to teach.
Based on  information from an English teacher and observer, result about the students achievement especially in reading English at SMA Tut Wuri Handayani Makassar of the tenth year students in the last semester. That the students’ value average still got 4.0 .  while the standard reading in  curriculum is 6,5. it’s happened  because the teacher is not using especially method in reading is lack, the researcher wants to solve this problem until the students have a good score and achieve the score 7,0-9,0 and as target in reading  English comprehension. Therefore, the writer will give solution about the problem with Predicting Strategy. Predicting strategy is one strategy to use reading comprehension.
Readers must make logical predictions based on information from the text and their prior knowledge. Knowledge of fictional text structures such as characters, setting, problem, resolution, theme or lesson assist students in making predictions. Nonfiction reader aids such as text headings, illustrations, and features such as maps, captions, and tables also help students make logical predictions about what they think they will learn from the reading.
In order to do this successfully, students must activate relevant background knowledge that they possess on the topic. Once students have made a prediction, they have a purpose for reading, to confirm or disprove their prediction. Furthermore, the opportunity has been created for the students to link the new knowledge with the knowledge they already possess. By making predictions, readers are using the following processes: prior knowledge, thinking on a literal and inferential level, adding to their knowledge base, linking efferent and affective thinking processes, making connections, and??????????????????????


Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Sustained Silent Reading Method (Classroom Action Research)

                                                                      CHAPTER I
A.  Background
The goals of teaching English in Indonesia are mainly to enable the students to use English for communication and to read books and references written in English. The students are expected to have skills of the English language such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, and other elements of language that must be taught to the students through the chosen themes.
Among the four skills above, reading get greater attention than three others, because reading is one of the important skills. Reading can be defined as an active cognitive  process of  interacting with the print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning and through reading we can get much knowledge, study
new words, comprehend ideas, study the word are used, how to implement the grammatical rules, and gain the information.
Problem mostly occurs to the students when reading book. Sometimes students are facing a book but do not read at all. They just can mention symbol word without getting any idea from the book. The researcher herself experienced when reading a book without any comprehension tends to feel sleepy.
As the explanation above, the data from observation indicates that the students of MTs. Muhammadiyah Tallo Makassar and also face the same problems. Most of them are not competent to comprehend English text well. Many students can read the word in passage perfectly but are unable to answer the questions. They can say the words, but unable to gain the meaning from words. They find hard to comprehend reading materials. The writer also observed that the teacher only asked the students to read, and then they must answer the question without giving explanation about the text first. So the students who did not understand what they read. As a result, they could not answer the whole questions correctly. Based on the result of students’ achievement in reading are still underneath, it is about 5.5 mean score and the target score is 7.00. In this case, the students have to read critically, and the teacher must select the suitable technique or strategy to teach it.
What a teacher has to consider as a prime important task is how to design the reading course with strategies and techniques to facilitate the students to comprehend to concept from the author’s mind in the text. There have been a lot of techniques and strategies discussed by many experts dealing with reading comprehension. One of the techniques to be offered here is Sustained Silent Reading. In which the students are learning how to interact with the text they read.
By using SSR method, the students read silently for a given period of time. But, it does not mean they read without sound. A reader may sound in respond words. SSR does not need to say out each word. A reader is silent reading only says the word in mind, those any references to pronunciation stress or intonation. In addition, they can choose books, magazines, etc, that they are interested in, and??????????????