Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

“improving the students’ ability to write narrative paragraph through intrapersonal intelligence strategy”.


A.    Background
English is the first foreign language in our country, which is taught from Elementary up to University level. English is also intensively used in the international language, in written as well as in spoken language. In addition, many books of science, technology, art and other published issues are written in English
In English language, there are integrated skills to be mastered such as: Speaking, listening, reading, and Writing. Jhon Haycraft (1978:8) states that there are various skills in mastering of language: respective skill, listening (understanding the spoken language), reading (understanding the written language), and productive skills speaking and writing.

Keraf, Gorys (2001:136) states that “Narrative as a story tells or describes an action in the past time clearly, so narrative is tried to answer the question: what had happened.
Narrative as a story, so it should have the element that can make story more interesting to the reader such as a conflict and conclusion of the story.The students must have good communication in both oral and written form. Oral form is that speaking and listening, and written form is that writing in reading. Some of them feel difficulties in composing narrative text such as: stuck to get diction, getting idea, and ordering the words.
To solve the problems above, the teacher has to find out interesting technique and more creative to motivate students in writing process. Therefore, one simplest way of making writing more creative and meaningful to the students is to have the students to write something about their feeling, motivation, their weakness, their strength, and all about their self.
Based on the teacher’s information which is required that such problem above is also faced by the first grade student of SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 13 MAKASSAR, Makassar regency for English subject. The subject of this research is the first year in class VII A in 2011-2012 academic years. The class consists of 25 students. Those consist of 14 women and 11 men. They are very difficult in writing text. It also indicated from the result of the student’s writing that the mean score is 74.2 from 25 students. Thus we concluded that is low category from the minimum target which will be achieved is 6.5. Therefore, English teacher expected to increase the students in writing text.
Based on the problems above, the writer intends to conduct a research under the title of “improving the students’ ability to write narrative paragraph through intrapersonal intelligence strategy”.
B.     Problem Statement
Based on the background above, the writer formulates the research problems as follows :
1.      How is the improvement of the Students’ ability in writing narrative paragraphs viewed  from its content through intrapersonal intelligence strategy?
2.      How is the improvement of the Students’ ability in writing narrative paragraphs viewed from its Language use through intrapersonal intelligence strategy?
C. Objective of the study
     Based on the problem statements above the objectives of the study are to know:
1.         The improvement of the students’ ability in writing narrative paragraphs viewed from content through intrapersonal intelligence strategy.
2.      The improvement of the Students’ ability in writing narrative paragraphs viewed from its language use through intrapersonal intelligence strategy
D. Significance of the Research
The result of this research is expected to be useful information for the lecturers or the teachers and the learners of English especially for the lecturers/teachers and the students who are involved in writing class. 
This might also arouse the students’ interested who has an intrapersonal intelligence, so they may improve and accelerate their capacities in this skill in writing.
E. Scope of the research
The research is limited to improve the students’ writing  narrative paragraphs through intrapersonal intelligence strategy  which are viewed from contentare orientation, complication, resolution and language use is past tense.These items are chosen because those are very important to be identified by the researcher in motivating and overcoming the students’ problems in learning writingEnglish language.

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