Search Result for keyword event University of Malang Digital Library
Developing electronic module for listening as supplementary materials for seventh grade students of Junior High School / Arum Puspitasari
Rs 428.30712 PUS dAuthor: Puspitasari, Arum
Publisher :
Year : Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang, 2011
Implementing reciprocal teaching method to improve the reading comprehension ability of eleventh graders of MAN Muara Teweh - Central Kalimantan / Budi Suryanto
Rt 428.407 SUR iAuthor: Suryanto, Budi
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Improving the ability of the eleventh graders of SMAN 5 Malang in writing hortatory exposition texts through the implementation of teacher and peer feedback / Putri Lasminiar
Rs 808.042 LAS iAuthor: Lasminiar, Putri
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Communication strategies employed by the eleventh graders of SMAN 10 Malang Sampoerna Academy / Sri Fatmaning Hartatik
Rt 428.014 HAR cAuthor: Hartatik, Sri Fatmaning
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Using picture series to improve the ability of the seventh graders of SMP Laboratorium of The State University of Malang in writing procedure texts / Rika Diana
Rs 808.042 DIA uAuthor: Diana, Rika
Publisher :
Year : 2011Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang, 2011
Pelaksanaan trilogi van deventer di Indonesia dari tahun 1900-1942 / oleh Sunariyah
Rsm 959.802 SUN pAuthor: Sunariyah
Publisher :
Year : 1977
Improving speaking skills of the seventh grade students of MTS ummul quro therough the mingle game / M. Samsuli
Rt 428.3 SAM iAuthor: Samsuli, M
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Improving the speaking ability of the eleventh graders of Madrasah Aliyah 'Al-Islam' Kapas Sukomoro Nganjuk through the role-playing technique / Muhammad Lukman Syafii
Rt 428.3 SYA iAuthor: Syafii, Muhammad Lukman
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Improving the writing ability of the eleventh grade students of man Tambakberas through cooperative integrated reading and composition strategy / Ahmad Agung Bahroni
Rt 808.042 BAH iAuthor: Bahroni, Ahmad Agung
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Utilizing picture cue technique to improve the speaking ability of the seventh year students of SMP Negeri 13 Malang / Sitta Setyaningsih
Rs 428.307 SET uAuthor: Setyaningsih, Sitta
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Using the jigsaw technique to increase the eleventh graders' motivation in reading narative texts at SMAN 12 Malang / Ive Emaliana
Rs 428.407 IVE uAuthor: Ive Emaliana
Publisher :
Year : 2007
Developing supplementary reading material for the seventh graders of the international-standard school / Ratih Kristianasari
Rs 428.4 KRI dAuthor: Kristianasari, Ratih
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Perancangan event G-land go surving day di Pantai Plengkung Banyuwangi / Krisna Vindya Hajar Al Kahfi
Rs 741.67 KAH pAuthor: Al Kahfi, Krisna Vindya Hajar
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Using pictures in listening class to raise the motivation of the seventh graders of SMPK Cor Jesu Malang / Puspito Yudha Anggara
Rs 428.307 ANG uAuthor: Anggara, Puspito Yudha
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Eleventh graders' reading strategies in reading english texts at SMA Negeri 8 Malang / Indah Wahyuni
Rs 428.40712 WAH eAuthor: Wahyuni, Indah
Publisher :
Year : 2012
English vocabulary mastery of eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Malang / by Ika Dani Pujilestari
Rs 420.14 IKA eAuthor: Ika Dani Pujilestari
Publisher :
Year : Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, 2006.
Improving the reading skill of the eleventh graders of MAN 6 Jombang through the reciprocal teaching technique / Moh. Zainul Ihsan
Rt 428.4 IHS iAuthor: Ihsan, Moh. Zainul
Publisher :
Year : Tesis (Pasca Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang, 2011
Improving reding comprehension of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-Anwar Sumenep through SQ3R strategy / Shokhikhatul Khasanah
Rt 428.4 KHA iAuthor: Khasanah, Shokhikhatul
Publisher :
Year : 2011
A content analysis on "Wonderful World" an English textbook for eleventh graders of senior high schools / Fatima Setiawati
Rs 420 SET cAuthor: Setiawati, Fatima
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Using mind mapping technique to improve the ability of eleventh graders of Senior High School 8 Malang in writing report texts / Irwandi
Rt 808.042 IRW uAuthor: Irwandi
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Grammatical errors made by the elevent graders of SMAN 8 Malang in writing spoof text / Maylita Fitria Ramadhani
Rs 808.425 RAM gAuthor: Ramadhani, Maylita Fitria
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Using chunk technique to improve the ability of the eleventh graders in producing hortatory exposition text at SMAN 2 Malang / Maya Rizki Amalyasari
Rt 808.042 AMA uAuthor: Amalyasari, Maya Rizki
Publisher :
Year : 2012
The Implementation of webbing concept to improve seventh graders' performance in writing descriptive texts at SMPN 13 Malang / Indra Pratiwi
Rs 808.04207 PRA iAuthor: Prativi, Indra
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Improving desriptive writing skills throuhg lay out picture on computer as an interactive media for the seventh graders at AMP Negeri 1 Balikpapan / Ariyanti
Rt 808.0421076 ARI mAuthor: Ariyanti, Vita
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Implementing the jigsaw II strategy to improve the eleventh graders' reading comprehension at MA Muhammadiyah Metro / Refai
Rt 428.407 REF iAuthor: Refai
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Implementing the Drta strategy to improve the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh-year students at MAN Kandangan Kediri / Ani Mutadayyinah
Rt 428.4 MUT iAuthor: Mutadayyinah, Ani
Publisher :
Year : 2009
The effectiveness of using picture cards in teaching vocabulary used in descriptive text for seventh graders at SMP 1 Pakisaji / Anggi Mutia Marsaulina
Rs 428.2078 MAR eAuthor: Marsaulina, Anggi Mutia
Publisher :
Year : Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang, 2011
Using picture-based story-telling technique to improve the speaking skill of the eleventh graders of MAN Kisaran / Haru Irawan
Rt 428.307 IRA uAuthor: Irawan, Haru
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Employing cartoon animation clips and picture series to improve the narrative writing ability of the eleventh graders of SMAN 7 Malang / Dhinar Arienintya
Rs 808.042 ARI eAuthor: Arienintya, Dhinar
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Using spider bew to improve EFL students' ability in writing descriptive text at the seventh grade of MTs Nurul Huda Malang / Yulia Rahmah
Rs 808.042 RAH uAuthor: Rahmah, Yulia
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Enhancing students' active participation in speaking through the use of information gap technique in grade seventh MTsN Malang III / Devi Nuraini
Rs 428.307 NUR eAuthor: Nuraini, Devi
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Pengaruh unanticipated event terhadap return dan trading volume activity di bursa efek Jakarta
event study terhadap persitiwa peledakan bom di Legian, Kuta, Bali
oleh Sugiyanto
Rs 658.812 SUG pAuthor: Sugiyanto,
Publisher :
Year : 2003.,
Classroom interaction in the teaching of speaking to eleventh graders at SMAN 2 Pare / Nani Trisnawati
Rs 428.30712 TRI cAuthor: Trisnawati, Nani
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Integrating classical music and Genre-Based approach to improve the eleventh grades' skills in writing narrative texts at SMA Negeri 1 Blitar / Fransiska Diyah Andriyani
Rs 808.042 AND iAuthor: Andriyani, Fransiska Diyah
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Perancangan logo CV. Srikandi Indonesia untuk meningkatkan citra perusahaan sebagai salah satu event organizer baru di Kota Malang / Fernanda Listyo Kafid
Rs 741.67 KAF pAuthor: Kafid, Fernanda Listyo
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Using short-dialogue memorization technique to improve the seventh graders' speaking skill at SMPN 17 malang / Vice Melodiana
Rs 428.3 MEL uAuthor: Melodiana, Vice
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Efektifitas pelatihan dengan critical events model pada kader bina keluarga lansia di desa Gentan Kecamatan Susukan Kabupaten Semarang / oleh Shofiatun A. Rahman
Rt 374.13 RAH eAuthor: Rahman, Shofiatun A.
Publisher :
Year : 2000.,
Grammatical problems in English compositions made by seventh and eighth graders of SMP Negeri 13 Malang / Ellyzah Rizqi Amaliyah
Rs 808.042 AMA gAuthor: Amaliyah, Ellyzah Rizqi
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Improving the reading comprehension skills of the eleventh graders of MA Darul Lughah Wal Karomah Kraksaan Probolinggo through think-pair-share strategy / Juhari
Rt 428.4 JUH iAuthor: Juhari
Publisher :
Year : 2009
The effectiveness of a dialogue journal in improving students' writing skill in narrative text of eleventh graders / Gundah Basiswi
Rs 808.042 BAS eAuthor: Basiswi, Gundah
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Analisis break even point (BEP) sebagian alat perencanaan dan pengendalian terhadap laba pada PT.PLN (Persero) distribusi Jawa Timur area pelayanan dan jaringan Malang / Mohammad Fajri
Rp 657.7 MOH aAuthor: Mohammad Fajri
Publisher :
Year : Tugas Akhir (Diploma)--Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi D3 Akuntansi, 2007
A study on the difference of the tenth and the eleventh graders' ability in writing narrative texts / Retno Fitri Habsari Juniar Ayun
Rs 808.042 AYU sAuthor: Ayun, Retno Fitri Habsari Juniar
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Using pictorial word puzzles to improve vocabulary mastery of the seventh graders of SMP Laboratorium UM / Mukhamad Aniq Mubarok
Rs 428.01407 MUB uAuthor: Mubarok, Mukhamad Aniq
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Improving the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of MAN 2 Madiun through SQ3R strategy / Purwatiningsih
Rt 428.407 PUR iAuthor: Purwatiningsih
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Developing listening materials for the eleventh year students of Madrasah Aliyah Almaarif Singosari Malang (Based on the 2006 standard of contens) / Athok Yusuf Kurniawan
Rt 428.3 KUR dAuthor: Kurniawan, Athok Yusuf
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Improving the reading comprehension skills of the eleventh graders of MA Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo through PQRST strategy / Andri Indah Haeriyanto
Rs 428.407 HAE iAuthor: Haeriyanto, Andri Indah
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Perancangan media komunikasi visual event program on air broadcasting school di Radio Chakra Bhuwana 89.5 FM Malang / Rien Ariningtyas Siswandari
Rs 741.67 SIS pAuthor: Siswandari, Rien Ariningtyas
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Implementing donoking strategy to improve the writing skill of the eleventh graders of SMA Sunan Kalijogo Jabung Malang / Maswi
Rt 808.042 MAS iAuthor: Maswi
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Rewards used by the teacher in teaching English for seventh greaders of SMPN 13 Malang / Novita Amalia
Rs 420.712 AMA rAuthor: Amalia, Novita
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Improving the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of ma nahdlatulathfal sampang through question-answer relationships (Qars) Strategy / Faisal Romadhon
Rt 428.407 ROM iAuthor: Romadhon, Faisal
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Strategies implemented in the teaching of speaking to the seventh graders of RSBI class in SMPN 5 Malang / Usriya Tas'adina
Rs 428.307 TAS sAuthor: Tas'adina, Usriya
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Improving reading comprehension of the eleventh graders of MAN Pelabuhanratu through question-answer-relationships (QAR) strategy / Lili Nasroni
Rt 428.4 NAS iAuthor: Nasroni, Lili
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Grammatical errors made by the seventh graders of international class program at International Laboratory School of UM / Vivi Elsa
Rs 425 ELS gAuthor: Elsa, Vivi
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Using pictures to improve the speaking skill of the seventh graders of MTs Al-Madany Menganti Gresik in delivering oral description / Siswa Yusbido
Rt 428.307 YUS uAuthor: Yusbido, Siswo
Publisher :
Year : Tesis (Pasca Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang, 2011
Improving the reading ability of the eleventh year students of man Malang I through small-group discussion / Yayuk Khisbiyah Wiryaningsih
Rt 428.407 WIR iAuthor: Wiryaningsih, Yayuk Khisbiyah
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Using pictorial board game to improve the vocabulary mastery of the seventh graders of SMP Negeri 2 Pakel, Tulungagung / Frila Kartikadewi
Rs 428.107 KAR uAuthor: Kartikadewi, Frila
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Using picture sequences to improve the ability of eleventh graders at SMAN 1 srengat Blitar in writing narrative texts / Bety Dwi Ayuningtyas
Rs 808.042 AYU uAuthor: Ayuningtyas, Bety Dwi
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Improving the seventh graders' speaking performance using the picture cue technique at SMP Negeri 6 Malang / Laras Puriastiti
Rs 428.307 PUR iAuthor: Puriastiti, Laras
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Improving the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-Mansyurati NW (Nahdlatul Wathan) Seganteng Lombok Tengah using PQ4R strategy / Muhammad Fahrurrozi Azmi
Rt 428.4 AZM iAuthor: Azmi, Muhammad Fahrurrozi
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Using writing as a process approach to improve the ability of the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Kesamben in writing descriptive texts / Suwarti
Author: SuwartiPublisher :
Year :
The evaluation of the reading comprehension formative test of the eleventh graders in MAN 3 Malang / Achmad Hasan Ashari
Rs 428.4076 ASH eAuthor: Ashari, Achmad Hasan
Publisher :
Year : Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, 2008
Improving the speaking skill of the eleventh grade students of MA Model Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo using drama technique / Endang Kurniati
Rt 428.3 KUR iAuthor: Kurniati, Endang
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Perancangan event promosi berupa roadshow bina vokal Swara Narwastu / Dwika Resti Putri
Rs 741.67 PUT pAuthor: Putri, Dwika Resti
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Perancangan media promosi dan event untuk promo album bang Lolyta and the Disgusting Trouble (A.T.D.T.) / Indra Rahmawan
Rs 741.67 RAH pAuthor: Rahmawan, Indra
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Implementing story mapping strategy to improve the eleventh grade stundents' reading comprehension of MAN 2 Marabahan / Nurhikmah
Rt 428.4 NUR iAuthor: Nurhikmah
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Perancangan media event ulang tahun TK Senaputra Malang dalam rangka promosi / Aprilia Suswandari
Rs 741.67 SUS pAuthor: Suswandari, Aprilia
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Using music vedeos to improve in writing narrative texts of the eleventh grades in SMA Negeri 4 Malang / Febriyanti Nurcahyasari
Rs 808.042 NUR uAuthor: Nurcahyasari, Febriyanti
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Pengaruh informasi arus kas, laba bersih dan total debt to total asset ratio terhadap expected return saham (event study pada perusahaan manufaktur yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode tahun 2005-2008) / Febi Andini Yulefti
Rs 332.632 YUL pAuthor: Yulefti, Febi Andini
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Increasing speaking skill of the eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang Malang by using role play / by Nizar
Rt 428.307 NIZ iAuthor: Nizar
Publisher :
Year : Tesis (Pascasarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, 2007
English vocabulary use of seventh graders in SMP Internasional Laboratorium UM / Bapuran
Rs 428.1 BAP eAuthor: Bapuran
Publisher :
Year : 2012
Using board games as instructional media to improve the speaking ability of the seventh graders of MTS NU Kraksan / Mohammad As'ad
Rt 428.307 ASA uAuthor: As'ad, Mohammad
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Implementing mind mapping strategy to improve the writing ability of the seventh graders of Public Junior High School 4 Kediri / Retno Repelitawati
Rt 808.042 REP iAuthor: Repelitawati, Retno
Publisher :
Year : Tesis (Pasca Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang, 2011
Improving reading comprehension of the eleventh graders of science departement at MAN Genukwatu Ngoro Jombang by using think-pair-square strategy / Kiswati
Rt 428.4 KIS iAuthor: Kiswati
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Supplementary writing materials for the seventh-grade RSBI students at SMPN 1 Bondowoso / Lilies Suryaningsih
Rt 421.10712 SUR sAuthor: Suryaningsih, Lilies
Publisher :
Year : Tesis (Pasca Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang, 2011
Improving writing ability of the seventh graders of MTs Al Fathoni Poncokusumo Malang Through shared writing strategy / Na'imatul Muflikhah
Rt 808.042 MUF iAuthor: Muflikhah, Na'imatul
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Using the jigsaw technique to improve the ability of the eleventh graders of MAN Lamongan in reading narrative texts / Ima Millati Luthfillah
Rs 428.407 LUT uAuthor: Luthfillah, Ima Millati
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Analisis break event poin dan margi n of safety pada koperasi karyawan PT. Selecta Batu tahun 2000-2006 / Metly Rizki Adi
Rs 658.1552 ADI aAuthor: Adi, Metly Rizki
Publisher :
Year : Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang. Jurusan Manajemen Konsentrasi Keuangan, 2008
Using mind mapping strategi to improve the reading ability of the eleventh graders of SMA "Islam" Malang / Herwindho Mukty
Rs 428.407 MUK uAuthor: Mukty, Herwindho
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Improving the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of MAN 2 Madiun through the small group discussion technique / Ida Sriwidati
Rt 428.4 SRI iAuthor: Sriwidati, Ida
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Peran educational event and training organizer dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan luar sekolah (studi kasus pada Lembaga NAMS Institue Educational Event Organizer Malang) / Eriek Triputro Hardiyanto
Rs 374.1 HAR pAuthor: Hardiyanto, Eriek Triputro
Publisher :
Year : 2011
Developing efl listening materials for the seventh grade students of MTs Negeri Mojokerto / Mochamad Zaenuri
Rt 428.3 ZAE dAuthor: Zaenuri, Mochamad
Publisher :
Year : Tesis (Pascasarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, 2008
Redesain konter kassa Matahari Department Store beserta media pendukungnya sebagai media promosi event instore dan event nasional / Yulia Romadona
Rs 741.67 ROM rAuthor: Romadona, Yulia
Publisher :
Year : Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, 2008
Implementing problem-based learning to improve the speaking ability of the eleventh grade students of SMAN 1 Gondang Mojokerto / Sholahuddin Athoillah
Rs 428.307 ATH iAuthor: Athoillah, Sholahuddin
Publisher :
Year : 2010
Using twenty-question game to improve the ability of writing descriptive text of the seventh grade students of MTs Hasyim Asy'ari Piyungan Bantul DIY / Risnaryanto
Rt 808.042 RIS uAuthor: Risnaryanto
Publisher :
Year : 2009
Islam and state in seventeeth century Aceh / by Amirul Hadi
Rd 297.6 HAD iAuthor: Hadi, Amirul
Publisher :
Year : 1999.,
Improving the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of man Tambakberas Jombang through concept mapping stategy / Effi Fadhilah
Rt 428.407 FAD iAuthor: Fadhilah, Effi
Publisher :
Year : 2009
The Teaching of speaking for the eleventh graders of hotel accommodation program at SMK Negeri 3 Probolinggo / Tri Widyastuti
Rs 428.307 WID tAuthor: Widyastuti, Tri
Publisher :
Year : Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, 2009
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