The beginner : + 0% of total input captcha: 0
Younger Sticker : + 2% of the total input captcha: 100
The senior Sticker : + 5% total input captcha: 1.000
Silver hammer : + 8% of the total input captcha: 5.000
Gold hammer : + 10% of total input captcha number: 10000
The smith : + 15% of the total input captcha: 18.000
The gold smith : + 20% of the total input captcha: 30.000
Kuvaldo : + 25% of total input captcha number: 50.000
Gold kuvaldometr : + 30% of the total input captcha: 80.000
The younger borer : + 35% of the total input captcha: 120.000
The senior borer : + 50% of the total input captcha: 170.000
Deformator : + 120% of the total input captcha: 250.000
Younger Sticker : + 2% of the total input captcha: 100
The senior Sticker : + 5% total input captcha: 1.000
Silver hammer : + 8% of the total input captcha: 5.000
Gold hammer : + 10% of total input captcha number: 10000
The smith : + 15% of the total input captcha: 18.000
The gold smith : + 20% of the total input captcha: 30.000
Kuvaldo : + 25% of total input captcha number: 50.000
Gold kuvaldometr : + 30% of the total input captcha: 80.000
The younger borer : + 35% of the total input captcha: 120.000
The senior borer : + 50% of the total input captcha: 170.000
Deformator : + 120% of the total input captcha: 250.000
Ket : Jika anda sudah mengetik captcha sebanyak 10000 captcha artinya anda sudah berada di tingkatan(level) Gold Hammer
Bonus : seorang Gold hammer akan mendapatkan bonus 10% dari hasil yang dia ketik
misal : earnedanda : $1 maka bonus anda : 1*10% = 0.1, , begitu pula di tingkatan-tingkatan berikutnya. .
sory agan yg baik....klo udh mghsilkan misal $1 uang tersebut apakah di transfer otomatis ke rekening webmoney apa harus kita yg minta transfer gan.....
BalasHapusmohon pencerahannya
kita yang minta transfer gan, manual. semoga membantu