Kamis, 22 Januari 2015


(An Experimental)
A. Background of The Study
Language is the medium for communication and to transfer the message, informations or knowledge we sure use the language. In communication process, receiver can understand when we speak clearly. In example in conversation, we are free to turn taking between the speakers, ask question and change the topics. Many spoken interactions consist of commenting on immediate actions or events, or casually moving from one topic to another.2 It mean that when we do the conversation activities, there will be some transformations of ideas and information¶s which is very beneficial for human progress as unconsidered
learning. Learning something new is not only in formal learning, but also in any situations.
We know that God created human in different kinds so, they need to be interact between people that make them understand each other. Allah has explaining this statement in the Koran :
³Hi, Human, actually We created you from a men and women and becoming you in different nations and tribes in order to know between each other. Actually the most lofty people in side of Allah is they are who has a pious between them. Actually only Allah, the God omniscient and Almighty. ( Al-Hujarat: 13 )
From the explanation above, it is means that people have been instructed by Allah to be a friendship or understand one to another, although they have a different in sex, tribe, country, and language. To be know and understand another, we need a communication, and Language is one media to????????????????

Selasa, 20 Januari 2015

Increasing the Students Listening Comprehension through Dictoglos strategy at the Second Year Students of SMA

Increasing the Students Listening Comprehension through Dictoglos strategy at the Second Year Students of SMA

A.    Background
         Everybody has learned their language since they were children, especially their mother tongue. The process occurs naturally and properly with a view to communicate in society environment. Listening comprehension plays an important role in building communication skill, as well as we know, communication is a part of human’s daily activity. Through communication by using language, we can share our ideas with other people. In that way, a smooth interaction between people can take place.

English is one of language that has been learned in many countries. As an international language, it has significant role to assist human communicating one another, more over, in globalization era. Mastering English both written and spoken are absolutely needed, especially for Indonesians who live in a developing country. Besides, it is useful to follow the globalization era to become a modern nation. Thus, English is taught formally in high school as a compulsory subject, even now the elementary schools have begun to introduce English in their curriculum (Nurmayanti, 2008: 1).
Psychologically, many factors influence the success of learning, such as, the teacher and the learner. The success of learning depends on the teacher and learner. Rasyid (1990), the factors influencing the low achievement of language class are low motivation and interest of the students.
Therefore, in this case the English teachers have to consider how to motivate, arouse the students’ interest and ability, and also look for ways to make the teaching of the language more interesting, so that the students will enjoy learning it and they can improve their ability on the language.
In learning language, there are some basic skills that the students have to master. One of these basic skills is listening. Listening is the foundation of all human communication
Listening is one of the most important language skills. Feyten (1991) claims that more than 45% of communicating time is spent listening, which clearly shows how important this skill is in overall language ability.  However, the students always think it is difficult to listen well because sometimes they are bored and not interested in the subject. The lack of interest and motivation of the students to study may be caused by the methods and techniques that are not suitable with the students’ need or the students’ interest. Of course it can be the serious problems for the students. As the result, they are not enthusiastic in learning English and it can influence their achievement such as in listening comprehension.
As a teacher, it is important to find out some methods to solve the problems that faced by the students. One way to attract the students’ attention in learning English especially for listening is using dictogloss strategy. The use of dictogloss as a strategy in teaching listening

Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Guided Reading Strategy at the Second Year of SMPN 1.”

Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Guided Reading Strategy at the Second Year of SMPN 1.”

A.    Background
Globalization is new term describing new conditions which all nations, societies or formal state become close one another. In this era our world seems to be smaller before. People agree that globalization is caused by communication and information instrument, particularly those which something to do with technology, for instance, radio, television, internet, etc. Indeed the globalization era cannot be separated from
the concept of information and the role of language such English and Arabic. Whether we like or not, we are obliged to master foreign languages. (Noer: 2006)
   Language is used to communicate with others and it permits sharing of ideas and experiences. One of those languages is English language which becomes an international language. English is considered in applied as international language. Since then, it is very popular and has been spoken and learnt by almost people in the world. In Indonesia, English has been taught in educational institution as one of the important skill. To know English well, people must be able to speak, read, write, and listen.
Reading is one of the major skills to master English. By reading we can get information, knowledge and pleasure. Today there are so many books are written in English. Since the students study at the Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School they have been taught English. The priority of teaching English in school is reading because it can cover the three other skills. The people who always read books are written in English, they will easier to do the other skills as Achsin (1985) states that “reading skills involves the three other skills: listening, speaking and writing.” But, the problem is most of the student cannot catch or comprehend what they are reading. Students may have ability to read English reading material, but it does not mean that they can also comprehend reading material. They are also difficult to read aloud with good pronunciation.
Based on the result of observation before in PPL at SMPN 1 Pallangga, the students’ ability to read or catch what is actually stated in the text (literal) and what is implied or meant in the text (interpretive) is low. Therefore, the students need teaching strategy which can improve their skill in reading comprehension. Many strategies have been applies in schools or collage just to make the students understand what they have learned, and of course each strategy has good values for students. And this research tries to apply a strategy namely “Guided Reading Strategy”.
Williams states that guided reading is concerned with the teaching of reading; it is not just about hearing children read. There should be a specific focus and learning objective for the reading session. Guided reading includes not only the decoding of a text, but also the understanding and interpreting of that text. Students should engage with the text, critically evaluating it and reflecting on their responses to it, bringing prior knowledge to their understanding of the text. In guided reading, students develop the skills of inference, deduction, justification and evaluation.
Based on the statement above, the researcher is interested to study entitled “Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Guided Reading Strategy at the Second Year of SMPN 1 Pallangga.”

Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015


A.    Background
Learning English is very important, because English has become an international language, which is used  by most communities in the world. Many countries use English as their second language. In spite of the difficulties in studying English, it is worthwhile to study the language because it plays a very important role in almost all fields  of life such as: communication, commerce, economy, politics, education, science, technology
and so on.
 Finocchiaro stated that “Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbol, which permits all people in given culture or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to communicate or to interact”. (Finocchiaro, 1974:3).
Vocabulary is one of the  language components that  have to be taught to the students in learning a foreign language. Petty and Jensen (1980: 76) support the idea by stating; “since the knowledge of words and word meaning is essential in both the expressive and receptive aspect of language, vocabulary building is vital to the early language program”. Unfortunately, many students consider learning vocabulary as a tedious job. Because of that, the teacher should look for an effective technique to make learning vocabulary easier, more pleasant, and enjoyable.
Vocabulary as one of the important aspects in grammar has a very important role in supporting the four language skills. Harmer (1984:149) states that in teaching foreign language, including speaking, writing, and reading and listening skill, it is impossible to use those skills without vocabulary. Without possessing an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use all we have learned for comprehensible communication, including the structures and the functions.
In teaching vocabulary there are many strategy, one of them is list group label The rationale behind this strategy is based on the notion that categorizing words can help children organize new words and experiences in relation to previously learned words. LGL attempts to improve upon the way in which children learn and remember new words. LGL was originally used in science and social studies classes; however, the strategy seems appropriate across the curriculum.
Based on the explanation above the researcher will apply the list group label strategy to improving the students vocabulary mastery at the (school)