Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013


A.    Research Background
English as one of the international languages where almost all of the countries entire the world learn and use it, makes English as the most popular language in the world, not only as the second language but also as a foreign language. Indonesia is one of the countries where English as the foreign language had developed it as one of the optional subjects for high school since in 1994 curriculum, while in 2004 curriculum, it had been emphasized about the position of English in curriculum framework as the local content. It means that in educational field, Indonesia has developed English just more fifteen years, both in curriculum framework as in
document and in practical in the classroom.
In Indonesian educational field nowadays, English had been developed in variety of ways. Many kinds of models and teaching method had been presented in the class to make English more fun to be learnt. Especially for grammar class, where English looks very difficult with formula and rules, it needs to apply attractive methods in teaching and learning process in the classroom. The traditional grammar method in teaching English begins to be left and comes to the more improved methods. Furthermore, English does not only focus on the language learning but more to the language use.
Teaching English will be concerned with the capability of the student to produce what they have learnt, than just become the competence that might be student doesn’t know how to apply it. The learning process should bring students to the real situation in their nearest environment, such their experience. It will more encourage the student to find the motivation for them to produce easily in their active skills, both in speaking and writing. The two productive skills will show the competence to what students have learnt.
Voice in English grammar refers to the active and passive use of a verb. The active voice is used in making a straightforward statement about an action and the passive voice, the same action refers to indirectly. In this research the writer analyze the problem of the students in changing from active voice to passive voice


the implementation of Sentence Component Identification Strategy to improve the students’ ability to analyze a simple English text to be translated into Indonesian at the eighth grade of (CAR)

             English as a global language has been used by more than a half population in the world. Besides language as a role of knowledge, technology and art, English can be used as a tool for trading – economy, international connection, social cultural, and education and carrier development goals.
             The English competence has become an important requirement in gaining succees for individual, society, and Indonesian nation in answering the challenging of global period. In getting English competence through a great deal program, the school is viewed as as the first-rate medium by Indonesian children.
              Our experience education in teaching course is far from what we desire. Most of graduates from
senior high school has not able to communicate in English because of many cases. To overcame this, it needs many resources in teaching approach. Translating is one of many approaches in teaching- learning activities.
               Vocabulary is an important element of language that must be mastered by the students because their ability to read and comprehend English writing, speaking, reading and listening is partly determined by their vocabulary. One of the techniques for building up the student’s vocabulary is translating approach.
                Interpreting is a type of translation, often called oral translation, which refers to oral communication situation in which one person speaks in the source language, and interpreter processes this input and produces output in a second language and a third, person listens to the target language version. D. Saleskovich says that:
 “Translating is considered as an endeavor to establish linguistic equivalents, whereas interpreting aims at integral communication of meaning. ” (Brislin, Ed. ; 1969: 92)
                 Translating is really a language skill, which is quite different from all the skills, because it is a spesialized skill, which demands the ability to switch one language code to another.It neither develops nor demonstrates the basic skills of listening, speaking and writing.
                  From the explanation above, the writer assumes that the necessity of translating skill in learning English especially to enchance the students vocabulary. So that they will have an opportunity during the teaching and learning process in the classroom, even in communicating with another people in English.


Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

The Effectiveness of Peer Reviewing in Improving Students’ Narrative Writing Ability (Quasi Experimental)


This section gives a brief intoduction to the area of the research. This chapter includes Background, Research Question, Hyphotesis, The aim of the Research, The benefitsof the study, Clarification of terms and Organization of the Paper.

1.1        Background.
Writing is the way of communicating a message to a reader for a purpose. Through writing, one can explain or describe things as a result people miles from us can get information by reading the written message (Dixon & Denise, 1983 ). Writing as a means of communication activity still plays great role up to now. Its importance can be seen not only from its role but also from its function and significant contribution to the development of human life, specially to communicate with the other people. In general, people can take advantage of good writing for finding  jobs, and for the students, writing can help them in learning also for the teacher, it can help them to deliver their message to the
students so the students can understand the materials that the teachers deliver.
Writing as a productive skill is a very important skill in English for students because writing has some benefits for them. Students can express their idea through writing, for example in writing a narrative text. In writing a narrative text, students may find some difficulties and make some mistakes. Teachers should help them to solve problem so student can improve their narrative writing ability.
Considering the above conditions, it is necessary to create a strategy that can involve both the teacher and the students and that invites them to participate in the learning activities. Some methods and strategies are developed to construct a meaningful teaching and learning in writing. One of the strategies that can be used in order to help the students in gathering and developing their ideas in writing is Peer reviewing. It can also make the students more involved in the learning process that leads to understanding so that they can make sense of the writing activities  in their real life and they can be more motivated
Peer reviewing can be used by students to respond their friends writing and give comment whether student make mistake. Fujieda (2007) states that most participants valued peer feedback. Eight writers out of fourteen took a positive stance toward peer feedback.
Meanwhile Zainurrahman (2010) investigated the impact of peer feedback in the students’ narrative writing and the students’ responses toward peer feedback activity in the ESL writing classroom. Fifteen undergraduate students were purposively selected to participate in this research. It indicated that the students’ narrative writing developed organizationally and grammatically, whereas data from the interview suggested that the students positively welcome peer feedback in the ESL writing classroom.
Furthermore, peer reviewing is also suitable to handle big classes since the clases have big number of students. In peer reviewing technique, students are divided into several groups that help teacher to evaluate their works easier.
In this study the writer focused on the effectiveness of peer reviewing in improving students’ narrative writing ability. The writer expected that this research can give some contributions for the students, teachers and the process of teaching and learning English. Firts, it can be used as measurements on improving narrative writing ability through peer reviewing technique that can be applied in writing narrative class. The last, this research can be used as a reference in improving students’ narrative writing ability through peer reviewing