Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Improving the Students vocabulary through word wall (classroom Action Reserch)

A. Background
English is a tool to communicate both orally and in writing. Ministry of National Education, who was preparing for the competency standards in the curriculum in 2004, stipulates that the ability to be owned by Indonesian students is to understand and express information, thoughts, feelings, and develop science, technology, and culture in the English language. Thus, the English language serves as a tool to communicate in order to access the information other than as a tool to foster interpersonal relationships, exchange information and enjoy the aesthetics of language in British culture. Therefore, the aims of English subject are-as-follows:
1.   To develop the ability to communicate in English, either in the form of oral  or written, which includes listening skills, speaking, writing and reading

2.      To grow awareness of the nature of language and the importance of English as a foreign language to become the main tool of learning
3.      To develop an understanding of the interconnectedness culture and expand cultural horizons so that students have a cross-cultural insights   and can engage in cultural diversity.
One component of language learning is the understanding of the English vocabulary-it-self,-in-addition-to-other-components.
             Vocabulary is the set of known word meanings and can be used by someone in a language. Vocabulary person is defined as the set of all the words are understood by the person or all the words that are likely to be used by such person to construct a new sentence. Vocabulary richness is generally considered a person-is-a-description-of-intelligence-or-education-level. Understanding the vocabulary is generally regarded as an important part of the process of learning a language or develop one's ability in a language that has been mastered. School students often are taught new words as part of a particular subject and many adults who consider the formation of the vocabulary as an interesting and educative  activities.
Vocabulary acquisition is the most fundamental thing that must be mastered in learning the English language a person who is a foreign language for all students and people of Indonesia. How can someone express a language if he does not understand the vocabulary of the language. Especially if it is learned foreign languages, so that mastery of vocabulary is something that is absolutely owned by the language learners .. If a student has English language vocabulary sufficient then automatically will give more support to the achievement of English language competence was four. And vice versa without having an adequate vocabulary a student will have difficulty in achieving competence in the language
The curriculum used in today's competence-oriented, meaning that students are required to have certain competencies or skills as a result of the learning process at school. Competency-based education emphasizes the ability to be possessed by graduates of an education. Competence is often called the standard of competence is the ability of graduates should generally be controlled. Competence according to Hall and Jones (1976: 29) is "a statement which describes the appearance of a certain ability in a round which is a fusion between the knowledge and skills that can be observed and measured." Competence (ability) is a graduate of primary capital to compete on a global level, because the competition is on the ability of human resources. Therefore. , the adoption of competency-based education is ????????????

The Improving the students' Speaking Ability Through Cue Card ( Classroom Action Research)

A.   Background
Language as the tool of communication has an important role to reveal an intention to someone else. People will be able to express their thought and feeling by using language. Language, communication and life can not be separated. Language can be applied in many aspects, such as: education, society, politics, economics, and culture. One of the ways in communication is through speaking.
Speaking is one of the important and essential skills that must be practised to communicate orally. By speaking people are able to know what kinds of situations the world. People who have ability in speaking will be better in sending and receiving information or message to another. Speaking is the process of building
and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non verbal symbol in various contexts.
According to Stevick (1982: 103) speaking refers to the gap between linguistic expertise and teaching methodology. Linguistic expertise concerns with language structure and language content. Teaching speaking is not like listening, reading, and writing. It needs habit formation because it is a real communication. The speaking needs to be practiced as often as possible. It is not like writing and reading but speaking must be practiced directly in full expression.
Related to the statements above, the researcher did pre - observation that was done at the eighth year students of SMPN 27 Makassar, the researcher faced many problems in teaching learning English. The crucial problems were the students’ problems in speaking. The problems were; first, the students always did mistakes in grammar and pronunciation aspect. Basically, they only spoke English but they did not pay attention to the sentence structure and correct pronunciation. Second, the students were afraid of making mistake in speaking English. It indicates that the students had limited vocabulary. Third, the students were difficult to speak fluently because they were seldom to practice their English language.
Based on the result interview of the English teacher at the eighth year students of SMPN 27 Makassar in VIII - I stated that the mean score of the students’ achievement in speaking English was very low. It was about 5.5 mean score and the target score that would be achieved was 7.5.
From the problems above the researcher applied one of teaching techniques. That was an interesting technique and it could improve the student’s speaking ability, namely Cue Card. The technique was designed to create the students’ interest to learn with pleasant method. The core of Cue Card is ??????????????

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

The use of color pictures to increase the vocabulary command of the first year students of SD ????? (Classroom Action Research)

This chapter presents background of the research, problem statement, objective of the research, significant of the research, and scope of the research.
A.    Background
If language structures make up the skeleton of language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh. An ability to manipulate grammatical structures does not have any potential for expressing meaning unless words are used.
Vocabulary as one of the important aspects in grammar has a very important role in supporting the four language skills. Harmer (1984:149) states that in teaching foreign language, including speaking, writing, and reading and listening skill, it is impossible to use those skills without vocabulary. Without possessing an
extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use all we have learned for comprehensible communication, including the structures and the functions.
Wilkins (1978:111) states that we could not accept that vocabulary would initially be less important than grammar. The fact is that while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. From the statement above, it is clear that vocabulary as a fundamental requirement influences the students’ achievement in studying English.
Richards and Rogers in Suriati (2002:3) state that teachers, in presenting learning materials, can choose methods and materials according to the needs of learners, the preferences of teachers, and constraints of the school or education setting. In this matter teacher's creativity is needed in choosing the technique that can motivate the students to study.
Another way that is usually applied to help students understand the learning task or learning material is using picture. It has been generally accepted that  pictures,  especially  colorful  ones,  are  quite  helpful  teaching  aids  in introducing new vocabulary to students because generally, people would keep in their mind for a long period of time something that they have learned or experienced which is interesting to them.
Adelman and Taylor in Rosmiati (1990:2) state that if the students are motivated to learn something they do much more than anyone could have predicted. Conversely, if the students are not particularly interested in learning something, the result of learning may not even success. So, they are not worried and fearful to express their idea, thought and opinion. That is why, the textbook especially for the SD ????? are mostly illustrated with colorful pictures. Such policy is implemented not only for the sake of making the students interested in learning English or making them easy to catch the learning materials being taught, but also facilitating the teacher to manage the learning process in the classroom.
By those conditions, the researcher assumes that the teaching of English must be really improved with some practical and easy ways, for ?????????????


The Improving the students' vocabulary through beyond centers and circle time method improve at (school)”

A.    Background
Teaching English in our country has been developed extensively because English is an international language in the world. Therefore, Indonesian government has brought it as a local since at the elementary school. In teaching English vocabulary as an element or language is considered as the most important factor in increasing the mastered if the students are still lacking of vocabulary. Vocabulary is a part of language learning that need continuing growth and development by both native and non native speakers long after grammar and pronunciation elementary school until senior high Scholl. In language teaching preparation
program in our country, more and attention being given to improve some technique for teaching vocabulary.
Learning vocabulary as a foreign language seems easy but some students feel fear. The teacher of English should find out solution by crating efficient and effective technique of teaching in teaching English vocabulary, besides that, the teachers should establish condition which makes teaching vocabulary possible. The learning will occur within reasonable period of time.
Realizing how important the vocabulary and how difficult students to build up the teachers of English have provided students with rich exciting exercise which are expected to help vocabulary mush be very helpful to improve the students’ ability in English communication. Allen (1997:149) says that vocabulary is very important in a language, when we learn a language like English; we learn the words of language. Students must continue to learn words as they learn structure as they practice the target language. The vocabulary is needed very to master the four skills in English.
Through vocabulary, we convey our ideas, emotion, and efficiently. Without mastering it, people will not be able to use English effectively. In all language teaching, students must continually learn vocabulary as they learn structure (Allen 1997:149).
In fact, students’ mastery of English vocabulary is still lack. The students are also difficult to deliver their ideas because of their limitation of vocabulary. On the other hand, some students don’t have self-confidence speaking using that vocabulary. As consequence, students will be difficult to communicate to ???????????????????????



A.      Background 
Language plays an important role in human life. Language is used for communication. By using language, someone could make statement, convey fact and knowledge explain or report something, and keep social relation among language users. Language acquisition is divided into four major skill, those are speaking, listening, reading and writing. We cannot deny that writing is the difficult subject of the four major language skills. There are many difficulties that the students face in writing such as: content and vocabulary. They are the main factors that must be concerned in writing.
Content is significant aspect in writing. In content, EFL (English as Foreign Language) students may lack the ability to express clear main ideas. The way students form phrases often influences the audiences'
understanding of the written content. Writing in English might be difficult for EFL students because they are not used to stating their point clearly, so their audience may not be able to follow their intricate writing style and understand the main ideas of the text.
Another common error in writing is namely vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of language aspect dealing with the process of writing. The writer always thinks about putting words into sentences and then putting sentences into paragraph until they can create a piece of writing. It is clear now that we cannot write or express our ideas if we are lack of vocabulary. Therefore, the students are difficult in writing because they are lack of it. Written English is linguistically different from spoken English, and it requires knowledge of lower-frequency words that students rarely or never use in speaking. 
The other factors of the students’ in writing skill is they are lack of ideas and less of competence in organizing ideas. Sometimes students, when they are asked to write, they do not know what they are going to write because they do not have enough ideas to write or they cannot organize well their ideas in the form of paragraph. Finally the students feel anxious when they attempt to write.
To solve the problems above the teacher has to find out interesting teaching strategy and more creative to motivate students in writing process. Therefore, one simplest way of making writing more creative and meaningful to the students is to have the students write something about picture, maps, charts, movies, etc. by using Visual-Spatial Intelligence strategy. Visual-spatial Intelligence is one kind of multiple intelligences theory which has been demonstrated by Howard Gardner In1980’s. Visual-spatial intelligence when used in education, it will be a learning strategy
Visual-Spatial Intelligence Strategy will help the students to construct their mind to think what they are going to write. As we know that one of the difficulty of writing is we lack of ideas. Whereas, when the students will be commanded to write about picture, maps, charts, movies, etc. they will have many ideas. Because of visualization is well – known for the all of people.
As the writer experiences, the students in general are very hard to compose writing a paragraph, so their ability and even motivation to write are very low. Nevertheless, the writer then has an idea to think and solve the problem by using visual-spatial intelligence strategy to improve their ability in descriptive paragraph writing. This may be enjoyable for the students because they will not be???????????????????????