Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Improving the Students’ ability to speak English using pictures through pair work. PTK

A.    Background
As internationally pronounced language, English occupies the first position in the word by communication today. This position makes English most widely used all over the world in all aspects of human life. English is a language used conveying our ideas to other persons. We can communicate with other people in the world by the language. In our country, English plays an important role in international communication and in the development of Education, Economic, Science, and Technology.
One problem that usually find is that the students’ are capable of structure or reading, but have the lack of speaking, although English have been thought in Indonesia as a compulsory subject from junior school to senior high school and university. Therefore, we can state that speaking is one of the improvements of their
speaking skill. Studying English without practice speaking is useless. (Fauziati, 2002:126)
Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols. Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. However, today’s world requires that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students’ communicative skills because students can express themselves and learn how to use a language.
Nowadays, many teacher agree that students should learn to speak theSecond language by interacting to others. For this case, students’ should master several speaking components such as: comprehension, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. In brief, English teacher should be creative in developing their teaching learning process to create good atmosphere, improve the students speaking skill, give attention to the speaking components’, and make the English lesson more exiting. For this reason, the English teacher of SMP Pesantren Sinergi Mulya applies appropriate method and technique of teaching speaking. The method used by the teacher is pair work method.
Here the researcher was applied a new method to improve students’ ability to speak English, the method is pair work. Pair work is one of the learning strategies which emphasized on the efficient and the effectiveness in teaching and learning process. Besides that, students expect can motivate them to construct the knowledge in their own understanding and to make connection between knowledge and its application in their daily.
Based on the explanation above that the students still low or lack of speaking so the writer is interested in investigating whether the use of pair work method is effective or not in improving students’ speaking by carrying out the research under the title: “Improving the  Students’ ability  to speak English using pictures through pair work/.

Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

teaching vocabulary through crossword puzzle at the first year students’ of SMA x. (PENELITIAN TINDAKAN KELAS)

A.    Background
Language is at the centre of human life. It is one of the most important ways to express our love or hate for people. It is a vital to achieve many of our goals and our careers. It is a source of artistic satisfaction or sample pleasure. We use language for planning our life and remembering our past. We exchange ideas and experiences through language. Wilkins in Ahmad Anwar (1999:1) states that language is a system of spoken and written symbols that enable to communicate and interact with each other.
Referring to the definition above, we can say that the primary function of language is communication. We can communicate through language if we understand the language used, we can communicate each other easily in the world if we to master English, because English is an international language. Almost all people in
the world study it.
In Indonesia English is a foreign language. It is taught as one of the compulsory subjects from the primary school to the university level. English has four skills namely: reading, listening, speaking and writing. To develop them, the student’s must enrich themselves with vocabulary. It is the element which conveys meaning or sense of what they want to express writing or speaking. The students are expected to posses the competence in the word recognition and understanding the meaning of the words they read in relation to the importance of vocabulary, the teacher of English should discover or look for some technique to bring together the success of teaching vocabulary incidentally for many years as one has been seen which made the student’s low ability in comprehending English text or in expressing their ideas in speaking. This has been proved by Baharuddin (1994) in his findings that one of the factors of student’s low achievement in comprehending a passage because they are lack of vocabulary make students seldom to speak English in the classroom.
In order to improve the learners vocabulary some previous researchers have tried out different techniques of vocabulary teaching such as the use of pictures, teaching vocabulary through songs, teaching vocabulary through visual aids, teaching vocabulary through poems, etc. compared with conventional method, all of these techniques are reported more effective.  They, therefore, become alternative teaching technique which their used, of course, based on the class situation.
Based on the background above the researcher would like to????????????


The List Group Label Strategy to improving the students vocabulary mastery at the (school) PTK

A.    Background
Learning English is very important, because English has become an international language, which is used  by most communities in the world. Many countries use English as their second language. In spite of the difficulties in studying English, it is worthwhile to study the language because it plays a very important role in almost all fields  of life such as: communication, commerce, economy, politics, education, science, technology and so on.
Finocchiaro stated that “Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbol, which permits all people in given culture or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to communicate or to interact”.
(Finocchiaro, 1974:3).
Vocabulary is one of the  language components that  have to be taught to the students in learning a foreign language. Petty and Jensen (1980: 76) support the idea by stating; “since the knowledge of words and word meaning is essential in both the expressive and receptive aspect of language, vocabulary building is vital to the early language program”. Unfortunately, many students consider learning vocabulary as a tedious job. Because of that, the teacher should look for an effective technique to make learning vocabulary easier, more pleasant, and enjoyable.
Vocabulary as one of the important aspects in grammar has a very important role in supporting the four language skills. Harmer (1984:149) states that in teaching foreign language, including speaking, writing, and reading and listening skill, it is impossible to use those skills without vocabulary. Without possessing an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use all we have learned for comprehensible communication, including the structures and the functions.
In teaching vocabulary there are many strategy, one of them is list group label The rationale behind this strategy is based on the notion that categorizing words can help children organize new words and experiences in relation to previously learned words. LGL attempts to improve upon the way in which children learn and remember new words. LGL was originally used in science and social studies classes; however, the strategy seems appropriate across????

Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

The Use of Explicit Teaching Strategy To Increase The Students’ Reading Comprehension (classroom action research)

A.    Background
Reading is one of English skill to be mastered listening, speaking and writing. The purposes of reading such as to gain information, the learn subject matter, for enjoyment, academic purpose and prepare test purpose. To achieve those skills, the students find difficulties in get the message that extended by the writer and summarize the content of the reading text.
The first problem is the students found difficult to understand the content of the text. In comprehend the reading of the text, the students have to able established the main idea and detail information. The main idea is the most general ideas in the paragraph while detail information is supporting of the ideas in the paragraph. When the students gain know about them, they have to understand how a text organized because to comprehend the written words the students must able to understand what the writer has to structure of
organized the ideas and information presented in the text and relate the ideas and information presented in the text, and relate the ideas and information from text to ideas information stored in his or her mind.
The second problem is how the students can make a summary about the content of the text. In understand of the text, summary is one of the fast way in get the writers’ idea. All of the information in the summary will be contained in the reading text, although the words used will be different. Through summary, the students will get a good understanding of the overall meaning and main points of the section summarized.                
Base on the observation which has been done in SMPN 2 Bua Ponrang Kabupate Luwu, especially for class VIII A. The researcher gave diagnostic and found the result is very poor in reading comprehension. According to the result of test, there are 30 students in the class, 9 students get the score 6.0 – 7.5 and 21 students get the score < 60. The research wants to changed of score based on the KKM is 65, and the target of the researcher is score 75.
The researcher conclude that in class VIII A is has problem in reading comprehension. In solved that problem, the research tries to use strategy in teaching reading material to comprehend the text. According to Michael Pressley in B. Fatmawati (2011:1) strategy is something using by the students to analyze the learning problem. So that, Strategies is very important in gets success of learning process in the classroom
In this case, the research will use of explicit teaching strategy. The Explicit teaching is one of strategy can be used by the teacher in the classroom where it makes the students to active in learning process because the teacher knows what the students needed . According to Cristine Edwards, Groves (1998)?????????????????

The application of guided reading method in improving students’ reading skill (Classroom Action Research)

A.    Background
Nowadays, English language is very important to our lives. This language is use world- widely in sciences, knowledge and technology, as well as education business, and other activities in the world. In the past, the Indonesia students start learning English at junior High Scholl (SMP) as a compulsory subject. The process continues to Senior High Scholl (SMA). In fact, English is also taught in some elementary schools as the local content lesson and even in some kindergartens.
In learning language English there are four skills that should be master in learning; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those are very important for English learners. Reading skill is one of the main points to master English because a lot of students have opinion that reading an important target, with reading
they can get information and entertainment beside for their career and study target. So that’s why I will focus on reading skill in my research. As support for students in improving reading skill, student have to be give knowledge about component of language, such as knowledge about vocabulary, structure, pronunciation; sound for help their skill language. The other it curriculum and system education also will assist teachers in improving education by significant especially learning English language.
In improving reading skill of students’, teachers have to use good strategy, precise method, and resource of study, media on learning, assessment process and evaluation. To know about it, hence previously researcher have to do observation, and after researcher doing observation in SMP Negeri 3 Sungguminasa Class VIII hence obtained result on learning English Language that is student not focus when learning process, lees understand about information on material, students are behaving passive when learning process, students almost boring on class, and students shy to reading because they weren’t confidence with their selves, while problem faced by teacher is how to make students focus during the learning and teaching process.
According to problem of students above, researcher decided to choose Guided Reading method because Guided Reading assessment can assist students and teacher on learning process. And Guided Reading also can made students becomes active and independent learned because guided reading method applied to make students pleased.
In this case pleasing meaningless make the class room condition become boring, hilarious, or make the students play in the class during learning process but pleasing in here have mean as a procedure makes gladness joy with planning. This procedure will make enthusiasm ????????