Minggu, 23 Juni 2013




A.      Background
English, as a worldwide language, plays an important role in the development of science and technology. English as foreign language involves four skills, namely: speaking, writing, reading and listening. In teaching English, those skills must be taught interestedly as much a possible. These component can not be separated because they are important taught integrated. Gunnarsson (1997:5) states speaking, writing, reading and listening overlap one another and in some cases certain learning in one progression is a prerequisite for learning in another. The interrelationship between them also mean that no one strand should be considered on its own.
In Indonesia, English is taught as a foreign language and become a compulsory subject focusing from the elementary school up to university levels. As we know English teaching used in elementary school up to
university levels, are : oral and written. Oral communication is a two way process between speaker and listener (or listen) and involve the productive skill of speaking and receptive skill of understanding (or listening with understanding).
In listening comprehension, we don’t only need to involve any overt responses on the part of the students; on the other hand dictation involves the ability not only to understand a sequence of text read aloud but also to reproduce it in writing.
Zemach and Islam (2006:1) states writing is an important form of communication in day-to-day life. Writing is also one of the most difficult skills to master both first language and second language. Students can find it challenging to find ideas to include in their writing.
Some researchers have shown that the result of the students writing at school is still poor, especially in writing paragraph. The students often make errors in grammar, such as errors in the choice of tenses, nouns pronouns and vocabulary. It was happen because they are rarely done in writing exercise.
One reason for learning to write is to transmit ideas to other people, especially those who are at a distance of space.  In learning language, writing helps the students reinforce the grammatical structure, idioms and vocabulary. When the students write, they also have change to be adventurous with the language, to go beyond that have just learned to say, to take a risk. In other words,  they become involved with the language.
There are some factors that influence the student’s ability to write. These are the vocabulary, the interest on the topic given, the interest of students in learning writing, the time to teach writing in English course and the techniques. So that the students can improve their ideas into good writing. In English writing many techniques can be applied as West in Tan ( 2009: 4) states that the teacher vary in the techniques they applied in teaching writing and students differ in their learning. Free writing exercise helps the students generate, organize and express their ideas in their own sentences by making a paragraph of letter and a long composition or essay. In grade one and two, the students are?>??????????????

Improving the students’ reading comprehension through mind mapping srategy (Classroom Action Research)

A.    Background
Reading is a process of recognition or interpretation of written materials. Sheng (2001:12) stated that reading is a process of communication from the writer to the reader. It involves letters, words, phrases, and clauses. Through reading, we can get many knowledge and information.
In reading comprehension, the message to be imposed in the written form and it is the most important element so the students must recognize it because the primary   purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the printed material.  Therefore, reading with comprehension is very important way to get contact with the natives and to know how they use their language in written form to understand the content of
the text. It will be important to make reading activity as effective as possible.
Based on the result interview of English teacher at X1.IPS of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar he said that the mean score of the students’ achievement in reading English at 2010-2011 academic year is very low, it is about 5,00  and the target  score is about 7,00. In this case, the students have to read critically, and the teacher must select the suitable material to teach it.
Based on the students’ problem above, the researcher will apply Mind Mapping technique in her research because it is a suitable technique in learning reading. Mind Mapping is one technique to develop reading comprehension of students because this technique is more focused on the students’ ability in their group.

Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Mind Mapping (A Classroom Action Research)

A.    Background
Reading is a process of recognition or interpretation of written materials. Sheng (2001:12) stated that reading is a process of communication from the writer to the reader. It involves letters, words, phrases, and clauses. Through reading, we can get many knowledge and information.
In reading comprehension, the message to be imposed in the written form and it is the most important element so the students must recognize it because the primary   purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the printed material.  Therefore, reading with comprehension is very important way to get contact with the natives and to know how they use their language in written form to understand the content of
the text. It will be important to make reading activity as effective as possible.
Based on the result interview of English teacher at X1.IPS of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar he said that the mean score of the students’ achievement in reading English at 2010-2011 academic year is very low, it is about 5,00  and the target  score is about 7,00. In this case, the students have to read critically, and the teacher must select the suitable material to teach it.
Based on the students’ problem above, the researcher will apply Mind Mapping technique in her research because it is a suitable technique in learning reading. Mind Mapping is one technique to develop reading comprehension of students because this technique is more focused on the students’ ability in their group

Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Paragraph by Using Flowchart (classroom action research)

            This chapter deals with background, problem statement, objective, significance, and scope of the research.
A.    Background
English language has a central role in developing intellectual, social, and emotional competence to students. It is also an important tool in learning and developing sciences, technology, and art. Language learning is expected to help students to recognize themselves, their culture and another culture. Besides, it also helps students to express their idea, thought, and feeling. In addition, they are able to participate in society and even to find and also use their analectic and imaginative ability.
In the competence based curriculum, the students are expected to be able to communicate. The ability to communicate is the ability to understand and produce discourse of which it can be realized in four
language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Moreover those four skills should be applied in real life. Hence, English subject needs to develop those skills. In order that, the students are able to communicate and make discourse in English language in certain literacy level.
Writing is one of the language skills that play an important role in human communication. The important of writing is coming to be more and more recognized. It is through the written mark that links with the outside word are formed.
There is no doubt that English writing is important as the other three-language skill. The ability to write is frequently demanded in many occasions in our life.  For many reasons writing skill is crucial to most people. Adelstein and Vipal (1980) express that in all subjects in our life or in all profession, the ability to write or express oneself clearly is essential basic for success. Writing is crucial meaning of human communication. It is used to communicate with other people in society and to express our feeling and opinions. Writing means of both communication and self expression.
Heaton in Noni (1984:126) states that many students still encounter difficulties in writing because it is complex and difficult. In studying English?????????????
                                                    DAN DAPATKAN REFERENSINYA DISINI

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Teaching Listening Comprehension Through the Application of Top Down and Bottom up processing (Classroom Action Research)



A.    Background
            English is one of the language in the world that has an important role for communication. It has used as an international language in all over the world. It is important for us to learn it. English is a compulsory subject in both public and private school that function as a means of the advancing student in, science, Technology and culture. In Indonesia, English is taught from junior high school up to university. Levels even taught it also taught to some elementary school as an optional subject.
There are four skill taught in English subject namely: Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening.  Ji Lingzu (2003:3) state that listening there are also two simultaneous and complementary ways of processing a
text. In top down processing, learners rely on their linguistic knowledge to recognize linguistic elements: vowels, consonants, word, sentences to do the construction of meaning.
 Teacher often think that learners hear every sounds, or sentences before they understand the general meaning of the passage. However, in practice they often adopt a top-down approach to predict the probable theme and then move to the bottom-up approach to check their understanding.
 Top-Down processing strategy is more concerned with the activation of schemata, deriving meaning, global understanding of a text. Bottom-up  processing  typically focuses on sound, word, intonation, grammatical structure and other components of spoken language. (Nunan,P: 1989)   
Top-Down processing utilizes internal, high-level of the acoustic environment and prior knowledge of properties and dependencies of the object in it. This approach is double-called prediction-driven processing, because it is strongly depending on the prediction of an abstracted on internal model and on the prior knowledge of the sound source. (Ellis: 1996). Bottom up processing on the other hand, is text based on which the listener realize on the language in the massage that is the combination of sounds, words and grammar that creates meaning “(Goa,2003: 4). In other word words  bottom up processing refers to driving the meaning of the text based????????????????????????