Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Enhancing the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy at the Second Year Students of MAN X


A.    Background
Language as a tool of communication cannot be separated from human life. It is used to communicate in order to fulfill our needs in social interaction. Language can be used in written or oral communication. Communication is a message being transmitted from a speaker to a listener; both speaker and listener need vocabulary to communicate each other.
Vocabulary is an important element in four language skills, namely reading, writing, speaking and listening. Without understanding vocabulary, the students will find some difficulties. Therefore, the students must have knowledge of vocabulary because it can positively facilitate the students to use English effectively in their communication. In other
words, it leads the students to master and to use English well.
The students cannot express their communicative needs (ideas, emotion) to someone clearly because of lacking vocabulary. The students are not able to master English if they are still lack of vocabulary (Allen in Sattari, 2006). The students cannot communicate and  grasp someone’s ideas that are transmitted to them, therefore vocabulary is regarded as the most essential aspect in English. It does not only influence oral form; speaking and listening but also written form; reading and writing. Obviously, vocabulary affects the four language skills as a key to succeed in mastering those skills.
From the statement above, it is clear that vocabulary is very important for those who wants to master English well. There are many factors that the students will master English vocabulary such as the interest,  motivation, or the using of some method in classroom. To teach the students in the classroom the teacher should have a good technique and preparation in teaching because the technique can help their students to understand more their lesson. According to Anthony in Richard and Rodgers (1986: 15), “a technique is an implementation that actually takes place in the classroom.” Technique can be also defined as the step down in the classroom in the application of the method.
One of strategies that can be used to make the students master vocabulary is Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy. This strategy involves students to choose the words they want to learn, chat about the rationale for selecting word and agree upon words for a classroom collection.
The purpose of Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy is to teach the students how to make decision about the important of concepts and how to use context to determine word meaning, so this can help the students become more aware of words in general and become especially attentive to ?????????????????????


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