Rabu, 25 April 2012

Improving Students’ Writing through Imaginative Technique at the First Year Students


It has been known that English language is the language of international communication. There are four skills that have to be developed in learning language, namelylistening, speaking, reading and writing.Writing ability is the most important skill for most students. Success in studying depends in large part on our ability to write. Writing  skill as evidence and reason for the government to state English as the foreign language taught to Indonesian students from elementaryschool to university levels. Even though methods and technique of English teaching have been improved, but outcomes of the students knowledge is still far from satisfaction.
The students as the second language learners, who are good in writing, are possibly good in other language skills. In writing the passage, a writer can gain new words. The students can enlarge or extend their knowledge in many field or science by writing books or other materials. In fact, writing is the easiest and cheapest way of getting information. We will be able to increase our English anywhere, anytime because writing can be carried out easily without partner.
To improve the students’ achievement at SMA Guppi Samata Gowa needs hard work. The first thing we have to do is to make them realize about the importance of English. Most of them do not realize about the importance of English that they are not interested in learning it. The English teacher has to try hard to help the students improve their achievement.
The success of English learning depend on materials uses in writing, where it must be suitable with the students’ interest. Through imaginative Technique, the students will be able to improve their language skills. They will learn new words and appropriate expression they will become more sensitive to the correct uses of the language, and they will also learn good diction and style.
Through imaginative writingtechnique can interest the students to identify what had happened and where it happened? Why it happened? How it happened? What if we were in his/her situation? Would we react the same way? In this way we will learn to understand other people, especially the author himself.
Based on the statement in the background above, the writer is interested in conductingen title Improving Students’ Writingthrough Imaginative Technique at the First Year Students

“Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension at VIII A Class of SMPN 4 Gangking through K-W-L-H Technique”.

The objective of English Language Teaching is to develop reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. It is the main purpose in teaching, especially in English skill. Nowadays, the progress of knowledge, science and technology requires us to absorb information. Information is merely the most important aspects in our life. Book, magazine, newspaper, bulletin, internet i.e. are source of information we can get it only through reading. Thus, we must read thousands of books to avoid ourselves from out of date.
There are four skills in English, one of them is reading. Reading is one of the important aspects in learning English, which is taught from elementary levels until university levels of education. Reading is a very important for the learners, when they are undergoing their education. Therefore, reading cannot be consider as isolate subject in our study, both in language and learning other disciplines. Harris (1966) asserts that reading is a complex and a complicated process because it involves the internal and external factors, in which these factors interact in the reading process.
Through reading, the people can improve their own knowledge which ensures the continuing personal growth and adapts the change in the word. Harvey (1998: 2) argues that the purpose or reading in language is to inform ourselves about something we are interested in, or challenge our knowledge on certain matters. In other words, to extend experience of the world in which we live.
When teaching how to read English texts, the main goal is comprehension of reading materials. Yet, the majority of the students do not have any competence in English well. Halim (1987: 2) states that most students encounter the problem in the comprehending an English text. They are at frustration level although they have been learning English for years.
Specifically, based on the information from the teacher of the eight grade students of SMPN 4 Gangking, the students’ reading comprehension is generally still low stated that the mean score of the students’ achievement in reading English is very low. It is about 5,0 mean score but the standard of curriculum 6,6 and the target score is minimally like the standard of curriculum must be achieved. One of the problems that students face is the lack of motivation. They think that reading is boring activity because teachers just ask students to read the text then the students have to answer the questions relating to the text.
By looking in this fact, lecturer or teachers give variations of teaching technique. It is a good method to help students activate their prior knowledge. A group instruction activity developed by Donna Ogle (1986) http://www.newiseowl. K-W-L-H technique is one way in teaching learning process to facilitate the students in reading comprehension. This technique is used to make students’ interested to learn reading comprehension.
This possibility motivates the writer to conduct a research under the title. “Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension at VIII A Class of SMPN 4 Gangking  through K-W-L-H Technique”.