Selasa, 30 Januari 2018


This chapter presents the background to thesis study followed by research question. Next, objective of research, research hypothesis, and the significant of the study are stated and scope and limitation to the study are presented along with the definition of the term.
A.    Background of Study
Education is integral in the construction in process. The process ofeducation cannot be separated from the development process itself. Development is directed to develop quality human resources. One aspect that can increase the human quality can be viewed in terms of education. In the national formulation (UUR.I. No. 2 of 1989, Chapter I, Article 1), the term education is described as a conscious effort to prepare students through counseling, teaching, and or training for the role in the future.
Conscious effort is intended, that education held by the steady plan, clear, complete, thorough, objective-based rational thought. Education is not held to be incidental or accidental and arbitrarily, or based on dreams and fantasies.
Most people understand the significance of education as instruction????

Rabu, 13 April 2016

Kumpulan judul terbaru untuk vocabulary 2016

Kumpulan judul terbaru untuk vocabulary 2016
Selamat datang para pengunjung blog setia pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi beberapa acuan untuk judul dengan subskill vocabulary berikut detail metodenya mudah mudahan bermanfaat
1.      Categorize Vocabulary
Activating Strategy
a.       Introduce new topic
b.      Have students brainstorm ideas that they already know about the topic. You can use sticky notes or slips of paper for ideas from students.
c.       After going over all their ideas, help them come up with categories on the board and have students put their ideas under the appropriate category (sticky notes under or tape the slips under the correct category.)
d.      Diagram what they have accomplished on chart paper/whiteboard/Smart Board.  As you work through the lesson and learn new material, students can add more categories, ideas, and maybe revise previous information.
2.      Study cards
Summarizing Strategy Students keep notes based on what they think will appear on the test.  Students are able to use their notes during the test.  Students can improve their test taking skills and summarizing skills using these study cards.  As time goes by, students use fewer and smaller cards until they don’t need any.
a.       Determine size of study cards or type of graphic organizer
b.      Have students take notes during lesson, readings, video on the cards or graphic organizer
c.       Students turn in the notes with the test
d.      The cards should get smaller the next few tests until they don’t get to use their notes on the test
3.      The Important Thing
Summarizing Strategy
a.       After  a lesson or reading, introduce “The Important Thing” activity.
b.      Review the structure and model how they should use this structure for their own paragraph
c.       The first time they use this, the teacher should model using familiar text and model how to use
d.      Use a structured form the first few times
e.       The teacher could use this format as a journal/learning log entry.
4.      Learning/Reflection log
A written summary that reflects learning, misconceptions, and questions, and this journal can help the teacher know if she needs to re-teach or move forward with the lesson.
a.       During the last 5-8 minutes of the class, students respond in writing to a set of questions
b.      They could explain how to do a skill, operation, summarize the lesson, describe an event/place, explain important/main idea, or respond to questions.
c.       Sometimes the log can be verbal and shared with a partner then recorded in the learning log
5.      Mind Map
Teaching Strategy Allows the learner to organize mental maps with prior knowledge and new information using words, symbols, pictures that include main ideas, details, categories, parts, diagrams, etc.
Untuk para pengunjung yang tertarik dengan metode metode di atas bias hubungi admin. Semoga bermanfaat.!!!!!!!

Kamis, 07 April 2016

The Effectiveness of Using Missing Lyric in Teaching Listening of the tenth grade students

The Effectiveness of Using Missing Lyric in Teaching Listening of the tenth grade students at MA
The  chapter  presents  seven  topics  related  to  the  study.  Those  are background  of  the  study,  formulation  of  research  problem,  objective  of  the research,  scope  and  limitation  of  the  study,  formulation  of  hypothesis, significance of the study and definition of key terms. 
A.  Background of the Study
Learning  a  language  is  not  something  new  for  people  who  have been interested  in  it  since  a  long  time  ago. Language  is  an  instrument  to  address and  understand  idea,  reason,  feeling,  either  in  orally  or  written.  Dealing  with human resources development, language is a unique attribute which enables us to learn and think creatively. In this case, English is an international language that is used by almost all people in many aspect of life, such as in science, knowledge, education, technology and communication.
The  functions  of  learning  English  in  the  school  are;  first,  by studying English  students  are  expected  to  have  a  means  to  develop  their knowledge  of science, technology and culture. The second is students are expected to be able to support the development of tourism.
English  is  a language that is  used around the world.  It  has been a  global language,  as  what  Crystal  (2003:3)  states  that  a  language  achieves  a  genuinely global status when it develops a special role that is recognized in every country.

Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

The Effectiveness of Using Hot Potatoes Quiz towards Students’ Grammar Achievement in Simple Present Tense

The Effectiveness of Using Hot Potatoes Quiz towards Students’ Grammar Achievement in Simple Present Tense
In this chapter, the researcher serves seven topics related to the research. The topics  cover  background  of  the  research,  research  problems,  objectives  of  the research, research hypothesis, significance of the research, scope and limitation of the research, definition of key terms, and thesis organization.
A.  Background of the Research
Success in learning English can be seen from the mastering of the four skills which are important for  communication both orally and in a written  form. These language  skills  include  listening  and  reading  (receptive  skills)  and  speaking  and writing (productive skills). To be success in mastering those skills, there are three components  that  are  actually  as  the  requirements  include  grammar,  vocabulary, and  pronunciation.  From  those  components,  grammar  is  considered  the  most important  as  it  serves  as  the  foundation  for  more  advanced  language  learning (Cahyono and Widiati, 2011: 87).
Grammar  is  the  structural  foundation  of  our  ability  to  express  ideas  and feelings. It is a set of rules governing how the words in a language may be joined to  make  sense.  Teaching  grammar  basically  purposes  to  build  students’????????????